Productivity v. Creativity

Every now and again, I catch myself stifling my urge to create.

Whether I’m alone in public or our with a friend, more times than not, I usually have the strong urge to create, capture, and document the world around me. I often consider if anyone else has this urge as well.

I think I’ve boiled it down to me genuinely appreciating the beauty around me and wanting to bottle up that moment, or emotion to show to the world. Opposite of that, I poke and prod with the idea of ‘how is this even remotely productive?’ or ‘great, more photos to edit or post.’

Since having this realization, I no longer judge that moment nor the urge to create. I no longer worry what anyone has to say about a picture I want to take or video I want to make because creativity precedes productivity. In fact, I think it’s time that we recognize that creativity supersedes productivity vs the old way of creating for productivity.

We create to make us happy, to remember a moment, a feeling, a thought.

We know that it won’t last forever and that if there’s ever a chance to look back we want to be connected to that thing in time as closely as possible and that only exists when we embrace presence through creativity in that moment.



Emotion is Energy in Motion


Throw Out K.I.S.S.