Creator’s Dilemma

I can’t think of a single soul that says:

I want to create mediocre work.

- No-one ever

We all desire to create great work.

As creators, we see a world filled with possibilities.

Except, when the time comes to put our head down and create, we can find it hard to start.

The old way of grinding it out just doesn’t quiet serve us. We feel boxed in at the moment we need freedom and choice in a sea of possibilities.

And there in lies the dilemma, the Creator’s Dilemma.

Usually characterized by the following:

A grand vision

A vision of the goals needed to achieve that vision

An understanding of the expected challenges of realizing that visio

A step by step plan to start on that vision

A lot of coffee breaks

Quickly checking social media for any new notifications from a post you uploaded several weeks ago

Checking that other social media app you just created an account for

So on and so on

This is the Creator’s Dilemma.

It looks like procrastination and finding distractions versus working on the one most important thing. It happens to us all.

When we’re in a bind, we can see all of these possibilities, seemingly endless yet the closer we look for the next steps the more complex getting to those possibilities become.

So, how do we make clear of the unclear and make sense out of nonsense.

Similar to liminality, we should lean in. Lean into the possibilities, mindfully. While adding a healthy dash of mindfulness. Not just meditation, but a mind-body awareness. We need to hone and get use to finding and listening to our inner voice.

You’re probably saying okay, this is all sounds great in theory but how do I apply this today?

These moments require finding flow, finding feedback, or finding failure

Finding flow

Follow your bliss here, there’s no wrong action, so what feels right and don’t judge yourself for it

Finding feedback

Mindfully explore Pinterest, or YouTube. The feedback we’re looking for here is anything that strikes up an emotion. Whether it’s inciting or inspiring, at least this gives us something to respond to

Finding failure

Literally, what’s the next action and take it, until you fail.

Break the grid. Break pixels.



Throw Out K.I.S.S.


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